Labsphere蓝菲光学 ILT 光测量探测器

Labsphere蓝菲光学 ILT 光测量探测器 ILT探测器精心设计,能够在皮安至毫安的低电流范围内稳定工作,当与ILT光度计协同使用时,这些电流信号将被精确转换为校准后的光学单位,涵盖勒克斯(lux)、瓦特(W)、瓦特每平方厘米(W/cm²)等多种标准。探测器组件的构成通常包含传感器、滤光片、光学组件以及校准系统。 以经过校准的勒克斯探测器组件“SED033/Y/W”为例,该组件集成了“SED033”型号的33平方毫米硅光电二极管探测器、“Y”型光视效能校正滤光片、“W”型广角扩散器,以及专业的校准装置。(特别提示:“/U”后缀表示该传感器未经校准)。 SED与SPM系列的光学探测器外壳采用优质黑色阳极氧化铝材料精心打造,配备了标准的母滤光片螺纹接口(1¼-24)、三脚架安装座(¼-20)以及两个便捷的端部安装座(#8-32)。这些外壳设计独特,支持滤波器的灵活选择与更换,同时满足水下改装的特殊需求。对于所有水下改装探测器(SUD),除了需要配置其他滤光片外,...



Labsphere蓝菲光学 ILT 光测量探测器





料号/描述 光谱范围 规格
SCD110/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Illuminance Probe 400-700 nm,
内置 CIE VIS 响应滤光片的硅探测器,有效面积为5.8mm²,采用棒状探测器外壳设计。 尺寸: 43 x 19 x 15 mm 。未校准。
SCD144/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Bilirubin Phototherapy Probe 422-488 nm,
450 nm peak
内置滤光片的硅探测器,有效面积为5.8mm²,采用棒状探测器外壳设计。尺寸: 43 x 19 x 15 mm. 未校准。
SCD145/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000  Phototherapy Probe 360-525 nm,
450 nm peak
内置滤光片的硅探测器,有效面积为5.8mm²,采用棒状探测器外壳设计。尺寸: 43 x 19 x 15 mm. 未校准。
SED005/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 UV-Visible GaAsP Detector 250-675 nm,
610 nm peak
5.2 mm² detector with quartz window. Dimensions: 29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD005/U, Underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED007/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT5000, ILT6000 IR InGaAs Detector 850-1700 nm,
1455 nm peak
7 mm² detector with spectral range from 850-1700nm. Dimensions: 29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD007/U, Underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED033/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Broadband Silicon Detector 200-1100 nm,
950 nm peak
33 mm² silicon detector with quartz window. Dimensions: 29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD033/U, underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED100/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Broadband Silicon Detector 200-1100 nm,
950 nm peak
100 mm² (1 cm2) silicon detector with quartz window. Dimensions: 29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD100/U, underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED185/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Gold Cathode Detector 160-240 nm,
185 nm peak
50 mm² active area Au Cathode Vacuum photodiode with quartz window (visible blocking). Good stability in high ozone / UV environment. Dimensions: 61 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SED220/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Solar Blind Detector 160-320 nm,
220 nm peak
50 mm² active area Vacuum photodiode with fused silica window (visible blocking). Dimensions: 53 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD220/U, underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED240/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Solar Blind Detector 185-320 nm,
240 nm peak
50 mm² active area Vacuum photodiode with quartz window (visible blocking). Dimensions: 61 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD240/U, underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED254/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Narrow Band UVC Detector 249-259 nm,
254 nm peak
3.6 mm² active area narrow band (254 nm filtered diode). Dimensions: 29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD254/U, underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED270/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 SiC UV Detector 215-355 nm,
265-270 nm peak
2 mm² active area SiC photodiode (visible blocking). Dimensions: 29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SUD270/U, underwater version   Example of an ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED270C/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 SiC UV Detector

230-280 nm
265 nm peak

2 mm² active area UVC filtered SiC (photodiode) visible blocking.  Dimensions:  29 x 42 mm dia.  UNCALIBRATED.
SUD270C/U, underwater version   Example of ILT Underwater Detector - SUD033/U
SED270B/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 SiC UVB Detector 265-325 nm
300-305 nm peak
2 mm² active area SiC photodiode with internal UVB filter.  Dimensions:  29 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED
SED623/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Thermopile Detector 200-4200 nm,
flat > 700 nm
4 mm² thermopile detector with quartz window. Dimensions: 69 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SED624/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Thermopile Detector 0.2-40 micron,
flat > 1.0 micron
4 mm² thermopile detector with KBr window. Dimensions: 69 x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SPD025F/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Radiance Pen Probe 400-1064 nm Flat 1.2 mm² silicon detector in pen-like housing with radiance optics and built in filter. Dimensions: 92 mm x 21 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED
SPD025Y/U, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Contact Luminance Pen Probe 400-700 nm Photopic 1.2 mm² silicon detector in pen-like housing with luminance optics and built in filter. Dimensions: 92 mm x 21 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED
SPM068, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Photomultiplier Detector 230 - 700 nm,
400 nm peak
Switchable-gain UV Enhanced photomultiplier detector with self-contained power supply and expanded spectral range (for 2016). Dimensions: 100 mm x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
SPM068_01, ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 Photomultiplier Detector 230 - 870 nm,
400 nm peak
Switchable-gain UV Enhanced photomultiplier detector with self-contained power supply and expanded spectral range (for 2016). Dimensions: 100 mm x 42 mm dia. UNCALIBRATED.
XCB270 Low profile Varies by filter selection The XCB270 sensors include a low profile housing 15 mm x 42 mm dia, a diffuser and a dureable SiC  silicon carbide sensor . Standard versions available for UV 200-360nm, UVC 220-280nm, UVB 275-320nm, UVBC 220-320 nm.  (For use with ILT770 meters)
XSD140 Low profile UV sensor series Varies by filter selection The XSD140 sensors include a 2.4x2.8 silicon sensor with sensitivity over the range for 320 to 730 nm. Standard filtered versions available for UV LED/UV curing, germicidal and photoresist/lithography for UV measurements.
XSD270 Low profile SiC UV sensor series Varies by filter selection The XSD270 sensors include a low profile housing 15 mm x 42 mm dia, a diffuser and a dureable SiC  silicon carbide sensor . Standard versions available for UV 200-360nm, UVC 220-280nm, UVB 275-320nm, UVBC 220-320 nm.
MPPUVA Mini Pen Probe sensor series for ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT6000 315-390 nm 5.76 mm² Si detector with built in UVA filter, Teflon Diffuser, and 8 mm aperture in a compact Mini Pen Probe housing.
MPPNBB Mini Pen Probe sensor series for ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 290-330 nm 5.2 mmGaAsp detector with built in narrow band UVB filter with center wavelength 310-313 nm, Teflon diffuser and 8mm aperture in a compact Mini Pen Probe housing.
MPPUVB Mini Pen Probe sensor series for ILT2400, ILT2500, ILT5000, ILT6000 265-320 nm 2 mmSiC detector with built in UVB filter, Teflon diffuser and 8mm aperture in a compact Mini Pen Probe housing.

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